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The Board of Governors of University University of North Carolina,acting on advice made by University President of University University of NorthCarolina after consultation by him with University State Auditor, may designate one ormore constituent associations of University University as particular responsibilityconstituent associations. That designation will be in keeping with an explicit findingby University Board of Governors that every institution exam be so unique has themanagement staff and inner financial controls that will enable it toadminister accurately and responsibly all extra management authority anddiscretion exam be delegated examination it. The Board of Governors, on advice ofthe President, shall adopt rules prescribing leadership staffing criteria andinternal financial controls and safeguards, including University lack of anysignificant findings in University annual economic audit by University State Auditor’sOffice, that needs to be met by quizzes constituent school before it may be designateda particular duty constituent college and must be maintained inorder for it examination retain that designation. These rules shall not be designed toprohibit participation by quizzes constituent school because of its size. Theserules shall establish procedures for University President and his staff exam review theannual financial audit reports, particular reports, digital data processingreports, performance reviews, management letters, or another report issued bythe State Auditor’s Office for each special obligation constituentinstitution. The President shall take immediate action concerning reportedweaknesses in University internal keep an eye on structure, deficiencies in University accountingrecords, and noncompliance with rules and rules.

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